Meet the Authors
Paul O. Ingram & Rick Rouse
Paul O. Ingram Biographical Sketch
Dr. Paul Ingram is Professor Emeritus of Religion at Pacific Lutheran University where he taught courses in World Religions and Interfaith Dialog for thirty-four years. Prior to coming to PLU, he taught for nine years in Religious History at Simpson College. Ingram served as President of the Northwest Chapter of the American Academy of Religion. His degrees include a Masters of Theology from Claremont School of Theology and Ph.D from Claremont Graduate School.
Dr. Ingram has been actively engaged in community interfaith dialogue in his retirement. Most recently he facilitated a series of forums in the Greater Seattle area between members of a Muslim congregation and people from various Christian churches around the issue of building a new mosque. He seeks to build bridges of understanding between people of different faith traditions.
Dr. Ingram is the author of numerous books including Wrestling with God (2006), Wrestling with the Ox (2006), Buddhist-Christian Dialogue in an Age of Science (2008), Theological Reflections at the Boundaries (2011), You Have Been Told What is Good: Interreligious Dialogue and Climate Change (2016), and Faith as Remembering (2017). For more information about these other titles, go to Wipf & Stock.Rick Rouse Biographical Sketch
Rev. Dr. Rick Rouse has taught practical theology at both the undergraduate level and graduate level in the U.S. and Germany; he is a popular conference speaker; and serves as a parish consultant working with congregations in the areas of strategic planning, spiritual discernment, and leadership. A certified Spiritual Director and ordained Lutheran pastor for 45 years, he has served congregations in Arizona, California, Oregon, and Washington.
Dr. Rouse has taught at Luther Seminary and at the Lutheran Seminary Program of the Southwest (LSPS) in the area of missional leadership. In addition, he has taught a course called "From Holy Rage to Holy Hope: The Pastor as Public Leader and Congregation as Healing Community" for Austin Presbyterian Seminary. In addition, he served on the ELCA Grand Canyon Synod staff as Director of the Missional Leadership Academy, and was President and a frequent speaker for the North American Association for the Catechumenate.(now called Journey to Baptismal Living.)Previously, Rouse was the Executive Director for Church Relations and Continuing Theological Education at Pacific Lutheran University in Tacoma, WA. He has a Bachelor in Religion from Pacific Lutheran University and holds post-graduate degrees from Wartburg Theological Seminary and Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary. Rouse is currently a member of the Advisory Board for Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary..
Dr. Rouse is the author of numerous publications including the , Beyond Church Walls: Cultivating a Culture of Care (2016).; A Field Guide for the Missional Congregation (2008), Go Make Disciples: An Introduction to Baptismal Living (2012), and Fire of Grace: The Healing Power of Forgiveness (2005). For more information about these other titles, go to https://www.theworldisabouttoturn.com/rick-s-other-books
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