All Categories - TheWorldIsAboutToTurn

During the Christmas season you may have seen banners that proclaimed: “Rejoice in the birth of a...
There are many of us who are devastated by the results of the 2024 election as the country...
Voters Must Choose Between Democracy and Autocracy by Rick Rouse Gold Star General John Kelly...
Church Anew's mission is "a Spirit-led movement that nourishes Christian leaders and ignites...
There is no question that voters in the USA have a definite choice between two presidential...
Author Rick Rouse's newest book, A Journey Called Hope: Today's Immigrant Stories and the...
“Right now, democracy is on the line...Democracy gave birth to the rule of law, and the rule of...
  “When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying a Bible.” ...
Governor Ron DeSantis recently spoke to supporters as he stood behind a campaign banner with the...
  What is happening in Florida should be a wake-up call for the rest of the nation. Governor...
20. prosinec 2022
Co-author Rick Rouse will lead a new seminar, "White Christian Nationalism: Why it is a threat to...
Not since the Civil War have Americans been as divided as they are today. Just as the political...
This May another set of gun massacres have consumed the headlines and gripped our nation,...
It may be nightfall for the world’s greatest democracy. Not since the Civil War has there been a...
“Now the whole group of those who believed were of one heart and soul, and no one claimed private...
"You will know the truth and the truth will set you free." --Jesus (John 8:32) President Biden...
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, we will know peace." --Jimi Hendrix Who...
Did you know that a blonde, blue eyed Jesus exists only in American congregations? Consider how...
“So we lift our gazes not to what stands between us, but what stands before us. We close the...
The Atlantic magazine called it a “Christian Insurrection.” They were wrong. Just because there...
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